In English
on the way to the city council!
Ilkka Taivassalo, a 36-year-old family man, member of the contract volunteer fire brigade, policy maker in the rescue services, passionate watch collector and property manager with professional pride, is seeking the confidence of city residents to pass onto the city council in order to promote the affairs of the residents of Espoo.
For myself, spearhead issues include the development of the rescue services and securing its operating conditions, the development of club and association activities, the easing of the complicated permit jungle experienced by entrepreneurs and companies, and the rational economy of the city and its residents. I believe that the election programme of the National Coalition Party has a sensible and socially important objective: "Before sharing something, we must first make it shareable." A healthy economy is the best tool for increasing prosperity.
Rescue service
SOTE (Health care and social welfare) reform is coming, and there are threats that the rescue services will have to take a back seat. Will there be enough money in the future for an ambulance to come when there is an emergency or for a fire engine to assist after a road accident? The funding and operating conditions of the rescue services must continue in the future, and investments must be made to guarantee the continuity of the volunteer fire service in Espoo.
Club and association activities
There are over 300 sports clubs in Espoo, providing meaningful activities for children, young people, and adults. These clubs and associations require the involvement of a large number of volunteers. In the future, these activities should be further developed and supported in Espoo as much as possible from the point of view of both funding and innovative thinking.
Entrepreneurs and companies
Companies in Espoo create an attractiveness and can carry the economy a long way. In the future, I believe that the various practices concerning the obtaining of permits, as well as bureaucracy, should be simplified, so that the expansion of businesses is not hindered by paperwork. In addition, it would also be worthwhile identifying the companies that require some amount of support from the city of Espoo due to the coronavirus pandemic. There is no need for any vital company to fail because of this virus.
The economy of city residents
A sensible economy allows services to keep running and provides an opportunity for growth and development. In addition to the city's own economy, the economy of Espoo residents also plays an important role in enabling well-being and a good quality of life, for example. Espoo can help its residents and their own economy significantly better and more efficiently than it does today.
From the outset, I challenge all local residents to step up to the election box and vote for working together.